We fuel conscious & ethical businesses. Together, we form the Ethical Uprise, bringing forth meaningful commerce to the world.

A Marketing Systems Provider for Businesses that Inspire.

We provide sophisticated software for your Purpose Fueled Business to make your vision succeed.

Working for you

Certification Programs

From Permaculture Certifications to Hypnosis Certifications, we love supporting programs that teach others tools to support life on earth.

Alternative Health Schools

We are big on alternative approaches to health and healing. Because of this, we stand by any school and institute offering alternative health programs, and we want to make sure you succeed.

SolarPunk Products

Have a product that is built for People and Planet? Sort potential clients by what they view on your website and send them personalized offers.

Art Institutes

Art is the heart and soul of the species. It awakens, deepens, and inspires us all. If you teach others the skills of expressions, we are here to back your success.

Health and Healing Businesses

Acupuncturists, massage therapists, Feldenchrist practitioners, Hypnotherapists, Naturopaths.... You are our people! We have the tools to make your life easier and make your business succeed at the same time.

Coaching and 1 on 1 Practices

If you are a one person business then you need automation and technology that supports you. We have the system to lighten your load and increase your clients. We want to see your business thrive as you offer your skills to the world.


Eco-lodges, Eco-hotels, and Eco-adventure, you're our people! We've got your back, thanks for all you offer.


Every great run organization could use some help to stay organized, get new members, and deliver news and messages about events. We can help. Check with us about special pricing!


If you have an organization that gives back, we want to help. Check with us about special pricing regarding your project and vision.

The Benefits of a Digital Lab

Top Notch First Impressions

Potential clients and customers are impressed the minute they meet you through professional websites, automated booking, and immediate responses.

Heartfelt and Effective Marketing

In the digital age, business still needs heart. And what attracts customers and clients better than authentic passion and love for the craft?

Intelligent Organization

We keep the flow of people through your business organized into easy to use 'pipelines', a single inbox for all your messages, and smart organization through tags and list segmentation.

Stay in Contact with Ease

Automated Email Campaigns, Automated Messaging, Automated Appointment reminders, Easy Mass Emails, And List Segmentations

Insight Analytics

Better input is better output. The more you can see what is happening in your business, the easier you can make the right decisions to optimize and grow.

Make More Money

Put your Marketing and Checkout on Autopilot for more money and more ease. It is time technology made your life easier, right?

What We Do

The Foundations

We will link you into the essential marketing

foundations for any modern business.

Put your Marketing on Autopilot

and do more of what you love.

Let us show you how!

The Level Up

We will upgrade your systems and add valuable tools and software to improve your sales and marketing.

Put your Marketing on Autopilot

and do more of what you love.

Let us show you how!

The Rocket Fuel

We will take over the front end of the business. There is no chance to share your business with others if no one is knocking at the door.

We will create a sophisticated marketing and lead generation system for you, build the technical systems to manage everything and design and run the advertising campaigns.

We take care of the invites, you just show up to the party.

How do businesses use Ethical Uprise?

Case Study- Northwest Hypnosis Institute

From a simple love of hypnosis to now hundreds of students who have been certified as Consulting Hypnotists, Northwest Hypnosis Institute is an inspiration in the ethical business realm.

But now, in 2023, competition is growing and the need to stay organized and have an edge grows every day.

So how does the Northwest Hypnosis Institute use our Digital Lab to help their business thrive?

We've broken down the ways our team and software run the front end of the Northwest Hypnosis Institute operations.

Create Landing Pages

A landing page is a web page that works as a sales and marketing tool, intended to encourage interested people to interact with the business. For Northwest Hypnosis, this page allows potential students to download an educational e-book, book an appointment, download a course syllabus, or apply for a scholarship.

Organize Leads

Once someone does any of the four above mentioned activities, they are categorized and saved in our Customer Relations Management (CRM) tool.

Want to see who booked an appointment? Organized. Want to see who applied for a scholarship? You have all their information at your fingertips.

Automatic Booking for Appointments

There is nothing better than having appointments automatically show up on your schedule. Our digital lab will build you an automatic appointment booker where interested people can see your openings and book a time to talk.

Northwest Hypnosis uses this tool to book one on one sessions with interested students. The link can be sent by text, linked to the landing page, or sent through an email and makes for seamless connecting with potential students, clients or customers.

Automated Emails for Appointment Reminders and Webinars

Automated emails are a "set it and forget it: luxury. For Northwest Hypnosis, we use automated email sequences in two ways. First, to remind people of their upcoming appointments. Second, when hosting a webinar or free class, automated email sequences give the invite, a one day reminder, and a 30 minute reminder to encourage them to attend the class.

Communication becomes effective, well timed, and easy for you to manage.

Ever try to invite 3000 people to a class? We do it all the time and it's easier than you think.

Mass Email Campaigns

Newsletters, new course announcements, marketing emails, testimonials, and more can all be easily managed and sent to the whole email list. Northwest Hypnosis uses our tool to do all of these and more!

Organized and Easy Enrollment

What about once someone wants to join a course? Northwest Hypnosis uses easy enrollment through a checkout website funnel that gathers registration information, payment, and includes signing a course legal disclaimer. Easy on the students, easy on the business.

Do you need a simple way to purchase your product or service? We've got your back.

Get a Free Marketing Consultation when you book a Demo

We love what we do and love helping businesses get smart about attracting new clients and customers.

Book a demo below and we will go over your current marketing and software systems. From there, we can always recommend a good route for you to take the next step, whether that is with us or on your own.

What Our Clients Say

"Best Online Marketing Decision I Could Have Made"

"I was referred to Ethical Uprise by a long-time friend who had previously spent years searching for someone who could actually deliver on the promise of superior online marketing at a reasonable rate. After seeing the results of their work for my friend I gave them a try - and it has been the best online marketing decision I could have made. Ethical Uprise's quality of work is exceptional because they have a unique blend of deep technical capabilities and marketing genius. What surprised me was how quickly and masterfully they were able to take my vision and my content and then generate web and marketing content that was actually better than what I was able to create - even though I'm the expert in my material. Ethical Uprise was surprisingly easy to work with, highly responsive, and always reliable. Bottom line, if you can grab one of their rarely available new client spots, don't wait - grab it and get started and the results will speak for themselves."

- Jonathan Logan, Portland, Oregon

Included for everybody

Customer Relations Management

  • Organize Potential Clients into Pipelines

  • Add Tags depending on User Behavior

  • See analytics on people added to pipeline vs. number who purchased

  • Easy Drag and Drop organization method


Automations and Workflows

  • Automated Appointment Booking

  • Automated Webinar, Appointment, and Event reminders

  • Email Campaigns on Autopilot

  • Client behavior triggers internal notifications and keeps you up to date



  • Value of new clients in your business

  • Conversion Rates

  • Lead Sources

  • Tracks client journey

  • Call Tracking


Websites and Web

  • Create Landing Pages

  • Create Full Blown websites integrated with automation

  • Create Forms and Surveys

  • Create full sales funnels and payment pages

  • Create Membership only websites and courses


Optional extras

  • Advanced onboarding

Let us help you get started with template setup from your existing appraisal and 1-on-1 training for you and your team.

$500 one-off payment (+ tax)

  • Lead Generation Upgrade

We Can Manage your

From $995 per month

  • Full Marketing Makeover

Make it look like you have been working for hours to produce a report complete with your company branding.

From $1995 per month

Ethical Uprise Digital Lab is an online platform for bringing success to the meaningful businesses of the world.

In 2023 every business needs an easy way to make themselves available online, without the added headache and stress that technology sometimes brings.

We offer technology to make your life easier and your vision to succeed.


(530) 450-2950


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